
The term tune-up is one that goes back many years and one that many people recognize. In today’s computer controls vehicles a tune-up is much more than what it was before. There are still spark plugs and coils but how they are operated had changed. Gone are the points and condensers and in most vehicles distributor caps and rotors are also disappearing. Ignition modules, pickup units, coil over plug boots, etc. or the ECM(Engine Control Module)are being used to send the signal to tell the spark plugs to fire.

Even though we still use the term tune-up, much more is done than just replacing spark plugs. Spark plug boots or wires are replaced. Coil pack or individual coils are inspected. The Throttle Body & MAF(Mass Air Flow) are cleaned. The fuel filter is replaced if the vehicle has a removable inline filter. Our diagnostic scan tool is attached and we observe the Oxygen sensors, are they performing properly, if not replacement is necessary. We look at other information like ECT(Engine Coolant Temperature) sensor, TPS(Throttle Position) sensor, Long & Short Term Fuel Trims to make sure the readings from them are in the correct range.

Another area that affects engine performance greatly is carbon build up inside the intake manifold & on the back of engine valves. In today’s high tech vehicles it’s imperative these areas stay clean, even more so in the newest technology being used, DI(Direct Injection) gasoline engines. An environmentally safe chemical process is used to clean these areas inside the engine.

Van Loo’s Auto Service can and will keep your vehicle running in tip top shape. The last thing you need is a breakdown that leaves you stranded along the road or keeps you from that appointment. Give us a call to schedule that appointment or ask how we can help keep you running “down the road”.